Following her passion, Dr. Leila enables her patients to fully understand how their body functions, and what they can do to improve their quality of life. To better prepare patients to take control of their health, Dr. Leila has written several books, publications, and ebooks. Further your understanding of health, wellness, and quality of life with any of her published works, which can be purchased at any time.
Why are we all more tired than we want to be and what can we do about it? In her ebook, The Basics of Hormone Balancing, Dr. Leila Kirdani reveals how stress can affect our energy levels and cause our sex-hormones and thyroid to be out of balance as well. Hormones are the messengers between cells, helping to keep us healthy and functioning well. Learn how you can overcome the affects of stress and feel wonderful.
New Second Edition
Trying to lose weight? Feel like you've tried every diet on the planet and nothing works? It's time to give HCG a try! In her latest book, The Skinny on HCG: How to Be Successful on HCG in the 21st Century, Dr. Leila Kirdani shares all of the tips and tricks she has found to help patients be successful on the HCG program.
Dr. Kirdani has helped hundreds patients successfully lose weight with HCG. Learn how you can too!