The “Skinny” on HCG
New Second Edition
Trying to lose weight? Feel like you’ve tried every diet on the planet and nothing works? It’s time to give HCG a try! In her latest book, The Skinny on HCG: How to Be Successful on HCG in the 21st Century, Dr. Leila Kirdani shares all of the tips and tricks she has found to help patients be successful on the HCG program.
Dr. Kirdani has helped hundreds patients successfully lose weight with HCG. Learn how you can too!
"Muffin tops are good for a breakfast treat. But muffin tops are not good when they sit at the waist of your jeans. I asked myself, "Where did this come from?" I am a very active person, exercise regularly, and eat healthy. Why can't I lose weight? Why do I keep gaining weight?
Michelle answered all of these questions for me. Through her nutritional knowledge and guidance I have been able to finally lose and keep it under my control. She would always say, "I am only a phone call away if you have questions." I was never hungry on the program and found the recipe ideas delicious and easy to prepare.
I am still eating healthy but have added more protein to my diet and drink more water. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I can comfortably wear ANYTHING in my closet. But now some things are too big!"Janis W.Lakeville, NY -
"Dr. Leila and her staff have successfully changed my life! Years of seemingly smart, but obviously questionable food choices combined with a healthy dose of emotional or mindless eating left me feeling (and looking) less-than-my-best. Michele expertly guided me through a better understanding of what my body truly needs, and helped me kick cravings for foods I thought I'd never be able to live without! My over-all health has exponentially improved and I feel amazing. My energy levels are consistent without the peaks and valleys I had typically experienced throughout the day. My blood pressure is perfect. My moods are more even. I have the libido of a much younger woman (or man!) and best of all: I am happily buying a new wardrobe! My only regret is I wish I met Dr. Leila sooner. I am healthier today at the age of 42 than I was in my 20's or 30's, and dare I say: I look better, too! I have finally achieved success by re-programming my mind and body – thanks to Dr. Leila and Michele."Shelley A.Rochester, NY
"I was referred to Dr. Leila Kardani by my sister Anne. I had just left my primary care physician’s office with an Rx for high blood pressure medication, an appointment with the lab for cholesterol blood work and pretty positive I had sleep apnea. I told Anne I need to do something, just don’t know what. “I am not taking all these maintenance medications the rest of my life!” “Just go see Dr. Leila, she straightened me out, I was a mess” was Anne’s response. I made an appointment for the next week. The HCG program was started shortly after my first visit. This diet sounded extreme to me initially, but I needed an extreme solution so I committed to it. With very few exceptions, I had more energy, enjoyed eating great food and my overall mood was better. The little tricks on snacking, portion control and supplements we covered in our weekly appointments to measure progress made it very easy to not be hungry and have the fat just drop right off. I owe Dr. Leila and Michelle more than I can repay. They added years to my life, how do you put a value on that? I am sixty plus pounds lighter and have a bunch of new pants. I take no maintenance medications and my blood pressure has been consistently 100/60. I feel excellent and encourage you to please take advantage of the help that is available to you. Dr. Leila Kardani understands what your body is trying to tell you and how to let it know you are paying attention and make it happy.
I had a realization the other day when I was carrying a bag of concrete down basement stairs. It was my sixth or seventh trip and I was starting to sweat. I carried a bag of concrete around with me for 25 years, no wonder I was falling apart…
I like protein, so eating red meat, crab, shrimp and chicken most of the day was really pretty awesome. I actually could afford to eat more expensive food and enjoy it more for less than I would normally spend. How great is that? The foods I enjoy now are so much different than before, those traditional comfort food cravings are gone. My cravings and taste buds just changed. I think it is because my mind and body know what to eat to keep feeling this way.
I just became a grandfather and thanks to Dr. Leila and Michelle, I feel physically and mentally better than the day I became a father."David -
"I had become pretty used to the fact that I would always have a beer belly. I really noticed it when my wife started to work out and I would look at pictures and it seemed that no matter what I did, I just couldn't lose the spare tire. Now mind you I am 24, and was on my way to 275 lbs., which I was around the time of my wedding. I knew I had to change something when I would actually get winded talking. I heard about the whole HCG program and had my reservations. There was no way it would work, there is no way I can diet, I love food too much, etc. But after some convincing I decided to try the program. The diet did scare me because it was quite restricted, but I was in it so I figured why not -- what's the worst that can happen?
Believe it or not the entire time I did the HCG program I never felt hungry, not once. The only time (which shocked me) was when I said to my wife, "I'm hungry, I'm not hungry -- I'm just bored." That statement right there at that point was a little revelation in itself. I would eat because I had nothing better to do. But I digress.
I went from a high of 259 lbs. at my peak of the program, to a current 205 lbs. I feel great. I haven't been this size since high school. This program really works and the staff at the office was extremely helpful. Anytime I had a question the would answer. I have recommended this to just about everyone I know! I couldn't believe the results. I was on the second to last hole on my monster belt when I started, now I have punched 4 holes smaller in that same belt. One piece of advice with this program, you better budget yourself an entire new wardrobe, unless you are like me and kept clothes that barely fit you from HIGH SCHOOL."Andrew